Transfer Embrio, Tahap Terakhir Dalam Program Bayi Tabung (IVF)

Embryo Transfer, The Final Stage in the IVF Program

What you need to know:

  • Embryo transfer is the final stage of the IVF program where the fertilized egg is inserted into the uterus.
  • This procedure can be performed on the third day when the embryo is at the eight-cell stage or the fifth day when the embryo is in the blastocyst stage.

Embryo transfer is the final stage of the IVF program. The IVF program begins with an examination process, followed by ovarian stimulation, implantation. After the egg is successfully fertilized, the doctor will select the best embryo before embryo transfer. During embryo transfer, the doctor will use an ultrasound device and a catheter to insert the embryo into the vagina. .

Stages of embryo transfer

The following are the stages of the embryo transfer procedure:

  1. The doctor will select the best embryos to transfer to the uterus 2 or 3 days before the procedure.
  2. On the day of the procedure, the doctor will use a speculum to open the vaginal walls.
  3. The doctor will use ultrasound to guide the catheter when the transfer is performed.
  4. Through the cervix, a catheter filled with embryos will be inserted into the uterus.
  5. When the catheter is in position, the doctor will inject the embryo into the uterus.

Even though it looks complicated, this procedure does not cause pain.


Types of embryo transfer

Basically, all types of embryo transfer consist of similar procedures. However, the shape of the embryo will be different depending on the type of embryo transfer chosen by the doctor.

The following are several types of embryo transfer that can be found:

  • Fresh embryo transfer
  • In this type, the fertilized egg and form an embryo will be directly transferred to the uterus. This process will take around 3-5 to see the development of the egg cells.

  • Frozen embryo transfer
  • Frozen embryo transfer is carried out by freezing lljlllllkl zuzu. When ready to be transferred, the embryos will be thawed before the transfer process occurs.

    This method is recommended by many doctors because genetic examination can be done first. With this genetic examination, doctors can reduce the chance of a baby being born with abnormalities and can prevent miscarriage.

  • Transfer on the third day
  • With this method, the embryo will be transferred to the woman's uterus while the cleavage process is underway, so that the embryo has not yet increased in size. In general, this type of transfer is carried out because not all egg cells will survive until day 5.

  • Transfer on day five (Blastocyst)
  • At 5 days old, the embryo will be round and increasingly developing. This method was chosen to increase the chances of the fetus growing genetically normal compared to transfer on the third day.

    Post embryo transfer procedure

    After the procedure, you may experience mild side effects such as cramping, bloating, or vaginal discharge. Immediately consult a doctor if these symptoms make you feel uncomfortable.

    About 2 weeks after the procedure, the doctor will carry out an examination to ensure the success of your IVF program.



    Alteri, A., et al., (2024). Eshre guideline: Number of embryos to transfer during IVF/ICSI. Human Reproduction , 39 (4), 647–657.

    Hines, R. S., & Cowan, B. D. (2004). Assisted Reproductive Technologies/in vitro fertilization. Clinical Gynecology , 767–778.

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