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Alert! 8 Signs of a Problem IUD You Need to Know

Knowing the signs of a problematic IUD is a preventive thing that needs to be done before deciding to install it.

This is because the IUD or Intrauterine Device is usually used for quite a long time, which is around 3-12 years.

Unfortunately, many users of this type of contraception do not understand about shifting the IUD device, which in turn causes problems.

So, to find out about how the IUD signs are problematic and what are the causes, let's look at the discussion below.

What are IUDs?

IUD ( intrauterine device ) is a contraceptive that is inserted into the uterus with the aim of preventing pregnancy.

The IUD has an advantage in terms of effectiveness, where the IUD success rate reaches 99 percent.

In addition to being effective, the IUD also offers advantages in terms of ease of insertion and removal, cost-effective , long-term comfort, does not affect sexual arousal, and can be used by almost all women.

But on the one hand, the IUD certainly has some drawbacks, you.

Among them, the IUD cannot prevent sexually transmitted infections, causes changes in the menstrual cycle, and can cause pain in the installation process.

How Pain Might You Experience?

Most women feel discomfort during the IUD insertion process and some time after. The discomfort that is felt can be in the form of pain like cramps.

In some cases, there are those who describe the pain, symptoms of IUD problems, such as menstruation or like when undergoing a pap smear .

However, for the record, the level of pain felt by each person varies and cannot be generalized. The good news is that, in general, the pain is mild.

Then, when should you return to the doctor or midwife?

It is recommended that you return to control about 3-6 weeks after IUD installation.

However, if you feel a problem with the IUD, immediately consult a midwife or doctor.

Causes of IUD Shift

The problem that might arise is the IUD changing positions.

Conditions that can increase the risk of moving the IUD are if you have strong uterine contractions during menstruation, a small uterine cavity, a tilted uterine position or an improper installation process.

IUD installation is sterile so that the risk of infection is minimal.

However, if you have had a previous infection that has not been treated or an installation procedure that has not maintained its sterility, the risk of infection can increase.

Signs of a Problem IUD

Then, what are the signs of a problem with the IUD? Although it cannot be generalized, in general, the characteristics of a problematic IUD are as follows.

  1. Prolonged pain. Pain caused by IUD insertion is temporary. Based on studies, 60% of people feel pain in the first 24 hours, 30% feel pain for up to 3 days and 20% of them up to 1 week after installation. Normally, the pain you feel will gradually decrease within a few hours and disappear completely after approximately 3 months from the time of installation.
  2. Terrible pain. The next sign that the IUD is shifting is that you may feel intense pain.
  3. Pain during intercourse. Supposedly, the IUD device does not cause pain during intercourse. But if you experience this, it could be that the installed IUD has shifted to a place where it shouldn't be.
  1. Couples feel the IUD during sexual intercourse , which should not happen.
  2. You have an infection which is characterized by a smelly discharge from the vagina. In some cases, sufferers may even experience a fever. Basically, the IUD is sterile and does not cause infection.
  3. Bleeding in large amounts or for a long time.
  4. Recurrent infection.
  5. Pregnancy. If your IUD has problems, this can reduce the effectiveness of the IUD in preventing pregnancy.

Pregnancy while using an IUD increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy or what is commonly known as an ectopic pregnancy.

How to Prevent IUD Problems

First of all, it is highly recommended for you to rest immediately after undergoing the IUD insertion procedure.

Even though not all experience pain after IUD insertion, don't worry if you do.

You may take pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

But there are also other options for reducing pain, namely by using a warm compress on your stomach.

After the IUD is inserted, you are advised not to swim, shower, use tampons or menstrual cups and have sex within 24 hours.

If you use a copper or non-hormonal type IUD, you may have sex after 24 hours.

However, if you are using the hormonal type, the hormonal IUD is effective after 7 days from the time of insertion.

That's all the discussion about what are the signs, and the effects of shifting IUD birth control along with the causes and how to prevent it.

If you feel signs of a problematic IUD as discussed above, don't hesitate to immediately consult a doctor or midwife to get more appropriate action.

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Written by: dr. Florencia Adeline


Open Access Texts: Malposition and displacement of intrauterine devices–diagnosis, management and prevention.

Reproductive Health Journal: Trends in use of and complications from intrauterine contraceptive devices and tubal ligation or occlusion

StatPearls Publishing: Intrauterine Devices

Toolkits: Follow-up for new IUD Users

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