Inseminasi buatan atau Bayi Tabung, Mana yang Lebih Baik?

Artificial insemination or IVF, which is better?

Sometimes, married couples will experience problems when they want to have children.
Luckily, with developments in the medical world, technological advances can provide hope for couples who are having difficulty conceiving children.
Maybe the words "insemination" and "test tube baby" are familiar to you.
However, what is artificial insemination, and IVF? So, what's the difference?
Let's find out in the review below!

What is IVF?

Based on the definition set by the American Center for Disease Control (CDC), ART (assisted reproductive technology) is a type of procedure to treat infertility in which egg cells or embryos are manipulated.

IVF (in vitro fertilization) or better known as IVF is one of the ART procedures that is commonly known in society. This procedure has become known since its first success in 1978.

In general, IVF can be applied to women who have disorders of the fallopian tubes, the number of ovarian supplies has decreased, ovulation disorders, and men who experience infertility.

Thus, the IVF process allows fertilization to occur without going through the fallopian tubes so that it can be aimed at women who experience disorders of the fallopian tubes, whether obstructed, damaged, or those who do not have fallopian tubes. To date, IVF is the method with the highest success rate when compared to other procedures.

Until now there is nothing that is an absolute contraindication for someone trying IVF techniques. However, IVF is not recommended for mothers who have a high risk of pregnancy, such as having severe heart problems.

How is IVF done?

The IVF process consists of five stages, namely controlled ovarian stimulation, ovum pick up , sperm preparation, oocyte insemination or fertilization, and embryo transfer.

At the ovarian stimulation stage, the mother-to-be will receive daily injections of gonadotropin hormones. The aim of giving this hormone is to reduce the release of LH and FSH hormones so that ovarian stimulation can run well. After that, the doctor will monitor the development of the egg cells until they reach the desired size, and the doctor will give an injection of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mature the egg cells.

The next process, namely ovum pick up, is carried out 34 to 36 hours after the hCG hormone injection. This process is carried out in the operating room under the guidance of a transvaginal ultrasound (transvaginal ultrasound) and sedation (to calm down during this process). After obtaining the desired egg cells, the egg cells will be transferred to special media for culture.

The collected sperm will be prepared in the laboratory for insemination. After the insemination process is complete, the embryo has divided into 6 to 8 cells, embryo transfer will be carried out by inserting a soft catheter into the uterine cavity with the help of transabdominal ultrasound.

What is artificial insemination?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI or artificial insemination is done by inserting sperm into the uterus, in the hope of increasing the chance of getting pregnant. This procedure is not as invasive and expensive as IVF but its success is lower compared to IVF. IUI is often the first step in cases of infertility. IUI can be an option for women who experience PCOS, anovulation, cervical mucus disorders, or couples who have sperm problems.

Like other fertility treatments, IUI treatment begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle. After 12 to 14 days, the doctor will confirm the maturity of the egg for fertilization. Just before ovulation, the sperm will be washed, then inserted into the uterus via a small catheter, with the hope that pregnancy will occur after that.

What is the success rate of IVF?

Based on data released by the American Pregnancy Association, the chances of IVF success are as follows:

  • 41-43% in women under 35 years of age
  • 33-36% in women aged 35 to 37 years
  • 23-27% in women aged 38 to 40 years
  • 13-18% in women over 40 years of age

Meanwhile, other data is from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology in 2018:

Women <35 years:

  • Chance of live birth - 47.6%
  • Singleton baby (probability of live birth) - 89.4%
  • Twins ( chance of live birth) - 10.4%
  • Triplets (possibility of live birth) - 0.2%

35-37 years old:

  • Chance of live birth - 30.7%
  • Singleton baby (probability of live birth) - 90.3%
  • Twins ( chance of live birth) - 9.5%
  • Triplets (possibility of live birth) - 0.2%

38-40 years:

  • Chance of live birth - 21.7%
  • Singleton baby (probability of live birth) - 90.9%
  • Twins ( chance of live birth) - 8.9%
  • Triplets (possibility of live birth) - 0.1%

41-42 years old:

  • Chance of live birth - 10.4%
  • Singleton baby (probability of live birth) - 93.6%
  • Twins ( chance of live birth) - 6.3%
  • Triplets (possibility of live birth) - 0.2%

>42 years:

  • Chance of live birth - 3.1%
  • Singleton baby (probability of live birth) - 94.9%
  • Twins ( chance of live birth) - 5.1%
  • Triplets (chance of live birth) - 0%

How to Increase Your Chances of Success

As you get older, the quantity and quality of egg cells will decrease. But don't despair, because there are several things you can do to improve the quality.

    1. Healthy lifestyle. It is very important to understand that a healthy lifestyle is not just about the food consumed. But rather from the habit of exercising, getting enough sleep and reducing or avoiding exposure to stress.
  • Ideal body weight.
    1. Consuming prenata l vitamins. The best time to start taking prenatal vitamins is 3 to 6 months before conception. The reason is, prenatal vitamins can improve the quality of egg cells. Apart from that, prospective fathers also need to pay attention to the supplements, food and drinks they consume so they can produce quality sperm.

    Both of these methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages. With that, decide with your obstetrician to know which action is best for you and your partner.

    Written by: Dr Florencia Adeline


    Choe J, Shanks AL. In Vitro Fertilization. [Updated 2022 Sep 5]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

    Editor. (2022, June 13). IVF - in vitro fertilization . American Pregnancy Association.

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