Kenali 7 Jenis Pemeriksaan Pranikah Yang Wajib Dilakukan

Get to know the 7 types of premarital examinations that must be carried out

A spiritually and physically healthy marriage is the dream of all prospective married couples. So that the wedding runs smoothly, it's a good idea to carry out a pre-wedding examination before proceeding to the big day.

Premarital examinations will not only help you understand each other's health conditions, but you will also find out about diseases that have the potential to be transmitted to your partner or may be inherited by your offspring.

What is a Premarital Examination?

Premarital examination is a series of examinations carried out by couples who are planning to get married. The purpose of the premarital examination is to determine health conditions more comprehensively.

The reason is, premarital examinations can detect the risk of certain health problems for oneself, one's partner and one's future offspring. Apart from that, this examination also aims to prevent the spread of diseases that can be transmitted through sexual or vertical contact from mother to child.

By knowing early, appropriate treatment can be carried out and infection can be prevented.

Why Should a Premarital Examination Be Done?

By carrying out a premarital examination, we can identify any health conditions that may affect the couple after marriage, such as genetically inherited disorders, sexually transmitted infections, or other medical conditions.

One example of this genetic disorder is thalassemia. Patients with thalassemia minor have mild symptoms and may not be aware of them. If someone with thalassemia minor marries a partner who also has the same condition, there is a 25% chance that thalassemia major will be passed on to their children.

Thalassemia major is a serious condition where the body cannot distribute oxygen throughout the body properly and will require regular blood transfusions. By knowing this information, couples can better prepare themselves and help make wiser decisions.

Premarital examinations can also help couples get to know each other better, open up to each other so that it is hoped they can reduce the possibility of conflict in the future.


Types of Premarital Examinations

The types of premarital examinations vary. However, generally premarital examinations include:

  1. Physical examination
  2. Complete blood examination: This examination includes a blood cell count to assess the general health of the prospective partner.
  3. Blood type and rhesus examination: This is important to do, considering the influence of rhesus incompatibility. When pregnant, different rhesus can cause anemia, even miscarriage.
  4. Blood chemistry examination
  5. Infectious disease examination: This is aimed at detecting the presence of sexually transmitted diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
  6. TORCH examination: This examination includes Toxoplasma, Rubella and Herpes (TORCH). This disease can potentially be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy, and will cause serious health problems.
  7. Checking blood sugar levels: so that if a disturbance in blood sugar levels is found, it can be evaluated further. If necessary, treatment can also be given because as we know diabetes is a disease whose initial symptoms may not be very clear but has a negative effect on blood vessels and also fertility.
  8. Gynecological examination for women: For prospective brides, gynecological examination aims to detect any abnormalities that affect fertility. If an abnormality such as PCOS is found during the examination, the obstetrician can provide treatment directions to increase the chances of getting pregnant after marriage.
  9. Sperm analysis for men: Prospective grooms are advised to undergo sperm analysis. If a disorder is found, the doctor will identify the cause, provide direction regarding the necessary actions, medications or supplements. For example, patients who experience varicocele may not experience any symptoms. Varicocele is a frequent cause of infertility. 15% of men experience varicoceles, and varicoceles account for 35% of the causes of primary infertility and 80% of secondary infertility.

Please note that premarital examinations performed may vary and the choice of specific test depends on applicable medical guidelines and the preferences of the couple in question.

The health condition of you and your partner will greatly influence your future. With that, a premarital examination will help you plan your household more carefully.

For those who are looking, Transvaginal Ultrasound or sperm analysis is available at Plans.

May you always be healthy!

Written by: Dr Florencia Adeline


Asian journal of andrology. Epidemiology of varicocele

Indian Journal of Public Health. Premarital health counseling: A must.

Journal of community genetics. Investigating the reasons for marriage among couples with thalassemia minor

National Center for Biotechnology Information. Genes and Disease.

Researchgate. Premarital health screening – a review and update

World Health Organization. Guidelines for the National Screening Program for Autistics

Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other Developmental Disorders.

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